

What's the difference between BASIC, PROFESSIONAL, INTERNATIONAL and SCOUT?

Step 1 of 5
Select version/users  1 
Subscriber details  2 
Confirm details  3 
Payment details  4 
Cardholder details  5 
Finish  6 
Select subscription version/users
SoccerAssociation BASIC (5.99 GBP per quarter)
SoccerAssociation PROFESSIONAL (23.99 GBP per quarter)
SoccerAssociation INTERNATIONAL (38.99 GBP per quarter)
SoccerAssociation SCOUT (199.99 GBP per quarter)
Number of users:
Cost per quarter: GBP
NB: 1 quarter = 3 months,
20+ users = 20% discount, 15-19 = 15%, 10-14 = 10%, 5-9 = 5%


We accept payment by bank transfer (in British Pounds Sterling)
and the following credit/debit cards:

NB: if you have subscribed before then log in with your original user name/password and re-start your subscription.
Don't re-subscribe. If you've forgotten your user name/password then use the Log in help? tool.